- Badger. Find Badger’s girlfriend in the hold below the ship.
- Dragon. The Dragon wants you to take out Lo Pan - hand to hand
- Lo Pan. Lo Pan wants you to take out the Dragon - hand to hand, if possible
- Chip. Get Chip’s spleen
- Ken Lee. The Shi need plans for a vertibird from Navarro
- (Park 3 Lee) Ken Lee. Kill the AHS-9
- A. Ron Meyers. You need to use a FOB to access the navigation computer
- A. Ron Meyers. The navigation computer needs the NavComp part to work
- A. Ron Meyers. The tanker needs fuel
- Crockett. Get some hardened power armor from Crockett
Bad karma:
- Harry. The Hubologists need plans for a vertibird from Navarro
- Ken Lee. Steal the vertibird plans from the Hubologists
- AHS-7. Steal the vertibird plans from the Shi
- AHS-7. Kill Badger so the tanker vagrants will embrace the Hub
- AHS-7. The Hubologists need fuel for their spaceship
- AHS-9. Kill the Shi Emperor
Notable Places
- Flying Dragons 8. Can buy books.
- Red 888 Guns. Can sell Gaus Rifle and ammo.
Notable Characters
- The Dragon can teach you Unarmed up to 90%