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You can play this game on elite difficilty with following builds. It is playble on high levels.


Best build in a game. Easy, fun, simple.

You start using any gear you found, every level you put all stat points into dex.

You start from Armor Expertise, then Ranged Weapons Expertise. Advanced Spellcasting only need when you have traps. Best trap is Shock Trap, level it first.

  • Ranged Weapons Expertise - 10
  • Critical Strikes - 10
  • Explosive Shot - 10

  • Armor Expertise - 10
  • Treasure Hunter - 10

  • Advanced Spellcasting - 10
  • Shock Trap - 10
  • Flame Trap - 10
  • Flechette Trap - 10


Best speed playing. Hard to play propery since you have to click a lot of skills rapidly.

Put all stat points into strength

  • Critical Strikes - 10
  • Treasure Hunter - 10
  • Devastate - 1

  • Martial Weapons Expertise - 10
  • Frost Shield - 10
  • Block and Parry - 10

  • Shadow Armor - 10
  • Armor Expertise - 10
  • Advanced Spellcasting - 10


No good build found by me.

Pet build not working on high difficlity even if you put a lot gear with Pet Damange and Pet Armor / Health.

You put all stats into intelegence, or vitality depend on your preference

No magic spells are working, on high dificilty levels, maybe I have to find good weapon yet.

You can skip or levlup last: Thorned Minions, Frailty


  • Nether Imp - 10
  • Pet Mastery - 10
  • Summon Alchemic Golem - 10
  • Summon Beam Golem - 10
  • Treasure Hunter - 10
  • Burning Bind - 10
  • Thorned Minions - 10

  • Armor Expertise - 10
  • Ember Phase - 1
  • Frailty - 10

Intelengence build

  • Ember Lightning - 10
  • Critical Strikes - 10
  • Ember Sentry - 10